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Aleson Mcguired

Decoupling From China: President Trump's proposal for Economic Independence

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Aleson Mcguired

Unique Geographical Features of Each State in the USA

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Frederick Monk

Supreme Court Ruling: Presidential Immunity and Its Implications

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Albert Monk

Biden's Tenure: A Critical Examination

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Albert Monk

"Project 2025: Biden vs. Trump – America's Future at Stake

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Albert Monk

Healthcare Crisis in America: Biden vs. Trump and the Battle Ahead

Albert Monk

Has the Supreme Court just legalized presidential lawlessness? By granting Trump immunity, are we setting the stage for unchecked power and future abuses without consequences? This ruling threatens the very core of our democracy and the rule of law. Is this really the protection our executive branch needs, or a dangerous precedent for presidential overreach?

Frederick Monk

From skyrocketing inflation to the catastrophic Afghanistan withdrawal, it's clear that Biden's policies have failed us. His administration's mishandling of the border crisis and the continuous blame-shifting are unacceptable. It's time we hold this administration accountable for its incompetence and demand better leadership.

Aleson Mcguired

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Stateside Insights

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