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Aleson Mcguired

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Aleson Mcguired

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Blaming Israel for being technologically advanced and defending itself is shortsighted. With only a small Jewish population worldwide, their survival is at stake. Instead of criticizing, we should harness Israeli innovation for global betterment. Cross-border terrorism makes their defensive measures necessary. Rather than focusing on territorial issues, let's encourage using Israeli ingenuity to address global challenges.


Diwakar Singh

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profile picture of user diwakarofficial7919

It's crucial not to glorify Mossad or Israel's increasing dominance. The combination of advanced technology and a willingness to kill in the name of expansion is alarming. Israel should not be allowed to gain more territory, especially when it comes at the expense of innocent lives.


The use of assassins, regardless of the justification, raises serious ethical questions. Targeted killings undermine international law and human rights, setting a dangerous precedent that state-sponsored assassinations are acceptable. What do you have to say about it?

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4 weeks ago

vartalapp _ profile pic

With a small population and constant threats, Israel has developed its advanced technology and covert operations as a means of survival. Given the history of persecution, including the Holocaust, the state of Israel prioritizes its security to protect its citizens. So what's wrong in that?

4 weeks ago

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Israel’s increasing technological advancement coupled with its aggressive foreign policies, including the expansion of territories, is a cause for global concern.

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4 weeks ago


This pursuit of dominance at any cost, including the lives of innocent people, is alarming and should not be glorified.

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4 weeks ago


The international community has a moral responsibility to ensure that technological advancements are used for the betterment of humanity, not for expansionist agendas.

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4 weeks ago

vartalapp _ profile pic

Actually -- The Mossad’s actions, including targeted killings, are defensive in nature, aimed at neutralizing threats before they can harm Israeli citizens. In a hostile region, these measures are seen as necessary for the survival of the state.

4 weeks ago

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vartalapp _ profile pic

Blaming Israel for being technologically advanced is misplaced. The focus should be on how these advancements can contribute positively to global issues. Israel’s capabilities can be leveraged for the greater good if supported and guided properly.

4 weeks ago

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vartalapp _ profile pic

The world should recognize the potential of Israel’s technological and intellectual resources. Rather than condemning Israel, the international community should work to integrate these capabilities into global efforts to combat terrorism and promote peace.

4 weeks ago

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Israel's aggressive stance and actions, such as targeted assassinations, contribute to destabilizing an already volatile region. These actions can lead to further escalations, making peace and security more difficult to achieve.

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4 weeks ago

vartalapp _ profile pic

The Jewish population is small and has faced existential threats throughout history. Ensuring the survival of Israel and its people is not just a national priority but a global responsibility. Israel’s actions are often in response to existential threats, and this context should be considered when evaluating their methods.

4 weeks ago

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The use of assassination as a tool for political or security purposes often results in the violation of human rights. Israel being the one who have suffered. Cannot understand how they can do the same with others?

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4 weeks ago


The killing of individuals without due process undermines the principles of justice and fairness.

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4 weeks ago

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Diwakar Singh

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