Published: 5 days ago

Satire on Saving Water & Environment

Harsh Kapsime




Satire on Saving Water & Environment



This a satire on a closed AC room discussion on Water and environment conservation and how people actually behaves in public and there seriousness in day to day for Water saving and conservation.


I was in Dhaka recently on an official visit. At the breakfast table in the hotel restaurant where I was staying a group of people (working for some Environment based NGO) captured my interest. They were discussing water, its availability, scarcity and so on. As I work in the same field, the interest was obvious.

As the time passed the discussion shifted to the poor state of water in India, government policies and challenges in its implementation and The Ganga pollution - the obvious one.

Apart from the debate and discussion what caught my attention was the number of crockery and tissues each one of them were using for breakfast (My Indian middle-class upbringing ๐Ÿ˜).


They started with sprouts and fruits and each one of them took at least four tissues. As the dishes increased on the table so was the number of plates, spoons, and tissues. With time the discussion became more intense, informative & they discussed some accomplishable suggestions too! But somehow the only thing my eyes were glued to were crockeries and tissues they were using while discussing the water saving.


By the time they were finished each one of them had used significant numbers of cutlery and tissues and have indirectly wasted significant amount of water that too while discussing the ways to save water๐Ÿ˜….


And all I could conclude was that the government and policies put into effect can do a lot to save Environment & Water. But we too from our baby steps can conserve a lot. Sometimes unconsciously we do the real damage.


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