Published: 3 months ago

China's aggression on Taiwan - Indication, Reason and the Role USA has to play

Aleson Mcguired




China's aggression on Taiwan - Indication, Reason and the Role USA has to play

World Affairs


The use of gray zone tactics by Beijing, gradually escalating the presence of military aircraft and naval ships around Taiwan since September 2020, is a cause for concern. These tactics blur the lines between peace and conflict, creating a sense of uncertainty and insecurity in the region. This article talks about Indication, Reason and the Role USA has to play.


Indication of China's Intentions to Enslave Taiwan

    • The recent surge in Chinese military activities around Taiwan has raised significant concerns for the region’s peace and stability.
    • The Ministry of National Defense’s report of 49 Chinese military aircraft being tracked during the first day of the PLA exercises is a troubling indicator of Beijing’s intentions towards Taiwan.
    • The presence of Sukhoi Su-30 fighter jets, Shenyang J-16 fighter planes, and KJ-500 airborne early warning and control aircraft in Taiwan’s air defense identification zone is a clear demonstration of China’s aggressive posture.
    • The fact that 35 out of these 49 aircraft crossed the Taiwan Strait median line is a blatant violation of Taiwan’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.
    • China’s continued disregard for international norms and rules-based order is deeply troubling and a cause for alarm.
    • The joint exercises with Chinese warships under the “Joint Sword-2024A” exercise further underscore Beijing’s aggressive intentions towards Taiwan.
    • The increasing frequency of Chinese military activities around Taiwan, as evidenced by Taiwan tracking Chinese military aircraft 297 times this month alone, is a clear indication of Beijing’s escalating aggression towards the island nation.

Reason for China's aggression

Taiwan's increasing international isolation: As Taiwan's diplomatic allies have dwindled in recent years, mainland China has ramped up military activities around the island as a way to assert its claim over the territory.

Taiwan's closer ties with the United States: The U.S. government has increased its support for Taiwan in recent years, including greater arms sales and military cooperation. This has prompted China to increase its military presence as a show of force.

Beijing's objective to achieve reunification: The Chinese government has long maintained that Taiwan is a part of China and has vowed to reunify the island with the mainland, by force if necessary. Military activities around Taiwan are seen as a means to intimidate and pressure the Taiwanese government into reunification negotiations.

Modernization of the Chinese military: China has been investing heavily in its military modernization in recent years, including the development of new aircraft and naval capabilities. This has enabled China to project power further away from its shores, including around Taiwan.

Strategic importance of Taiwan: Taiwan is strategically located in the Western Pacific and controls key sea lanes, making it an important area of interest for China as it seeks to assert its dominance in the region. Military activities around Taiwan help China to establish its presence and influence in the region.


Role of United States of America

    • The presence and support of the United States in the region play a significant role in influencing Chinese military aircraft activities around Taiwan. The United States has long been a strong ally of Taiwan and has committed to ensuring the security and stability of the region.
    • The US presence in the region includes military assets such as aircraft carriers, fighter jets, and other advanced weapons systems. This military presence serves as a deterrent to China and signals to Beijing that any aggressive actions against Taiwan will not be tolerated.
    • Furthermore, the US has formal security agreements with Taiwan, such as the Taiwan Relations Act, which obligate the US to assist Taiwan in its defense. This support includes arms sales, military training, and cooperation in intelligence sharing.
    • The US presence and support in the region also serve to reassure Taiwan and other regional allies, such as Japan and South Korea, that they have a powerful ally to rely on in the event of a security threat from China.


The recent increase in Chinese military activities around Taiwan is a cause for concern and underscores the need for vigilance and preparedness. The Taiwanese government’s resolute response to Chinese aggression and its commitment to defending democracy in the face of external threats is commendable. It is essential for Taiwan to have the support of the international community in order to counter the growing challenges posed by Beijing’s aggressive actions in the region.

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