Published: 3 months ago

President Julius Maada Bio declares national emergency in Sierra Leone due to growing Kush epidemic

Aleson Mcguired




President Julius Maada Bio declares national emergency in Sierra Leone due to growing Kush epidemic


World Affairs


Sierra Leone President Julius Maada Bio has issued a national emergency amid growing demands of his administration to take action against an unprecedented growth in the use of a synthetic drug called Kush. The government claims that since it first surfaced in Sierra Leone, the extremely addictive concoction of substances has resulted in hundreds of fatalities and dozens of addicts.


🚨 President Julius Maada Bio declares national emergency in Sierra Leone due to growing Kush epidemic.

 ðŸš¨ Hundreds dead, dozens addicted, mental health crisis looming National Task Force established to address issue


In a late-night countrywide broadcast on April 4, President Bio declared a national emergency, referring to the drug as a "death trap" and stating that it presented an "existential crisis."

"Our country is currently faced with an existential threat due to the ravaging impact of drugs and substance abuse, particularly the devastating synthetic drug kush."

The death toll from Kush abusers has been rising, he said, giving the go-ahead for the establishment of a National Task Force on Drugs and Substance Abuse, whose main objective would be to address the Kush epidemic.

According to him, medical facilities with enough personnel and qualified specialists would be established in each region to provide treatment and assistance to those struggling with drug addiction.



Kush, a deadly concoction of substances including formaldehyde, fentanyl, tramadol, cannabis, and possibly even crushed human bones, is wreaking havoc in West Africa. Sierra Leone faces an existential threat as the death toll rises from this highly addictive drug.


With a staggering 60% youth unemployment rate, the nation is particularly vulnerable to the dangers of Kush. Open land borders make trafficking easy, leading to widespread availability and use of the drug. Users face self-harm risks, addiction, and resort to criminal activities to support their habit.


The effects of Kush vary, with individual experiences ranging from relaxation to altered consciousness. The drug includes powerful opioids like fentanyl and tramadol, causing adverse effects on users' physical and mental health. Reports of young men digging up graves in search of bones for Kush production highlight the extreme measures taken to obtain the drug.


The Sierra Leone Psychiatric Teaching Hospital has witnessed a surge in Kush-related cases, with admissions increasing by 4,000% between 2020 and 2023. With only five psychiatrists serving a population of 8.4 million, the country faces a severe lack of mental health resources to address the crisis.


Despite the grim statistics, there is hope for recovery. Families are encouraging patients to seek help and become role models for others struggling with addiction. The hospital plans to launch a drug detox clinic to provide support to those seeking to overcome their dependence on Kush.

President Bio's declaration of a national emergency and the establishment of a National Task Force on Drugs and Substance Abuse signal a decisive response to the growing epidemic. With the support of international organizations like Partners In Health, Sierra Leone is taking steps to combat the devastating impact of Kush on its population.

The time to act is now. We must stand together to address the Kush epidemic and protect the well-being of all citizens. Let's raise awareness, support those in need, and work towards a future free from the grip of synthetic drugs. 



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